Thursday 8 August 2013

Necrons: Ghost Ark

 Necron Ghost Ark

Welcome to post no: 3 of my Necron army. Another short post, a choice for my Troops, the Ghost Ark.

The Ghost ark is overlooked by most people because they see a transport that costs more than most transports; but with two banks of Gauss flayers armour to rival a Lemanruss battle tank and the speed of a Wave serpent, I think it's a must for any Necron army. It also has the ability to replace lost warriors so they get Armour saves, Reanimation rolls and can be replaced, making Necron warriors very hard to get rid of.

This was an easy-ish model to assemble and fairly easy to paint although the green edging on my paint scheme made it a long job but the result is very pleasing I think.

The Kit comes with all the parts to make the Ghost Ark or the Doomsday Ark and with some careful modelling, you could make it inter-changeable but I decided to use the Doomsday cannon with some bits added on as an objective marker, I hope you like.

May the dice be forever in your favour.

~ Phalanx reanimation protocol #10100100100011011# ~


  1. It looks really good. I like it a lot. The objective marker is pretty cool, too.

    1. i like the way it get overlooked in game cos it poses no threat, then half way trough the game when they are still facing a wall of warriors cos they keep coming back, it suddenly becomes i ptioraty but they have very little that can deal with its armour that rivals a Lemanruss; and it get jink lol im glad it looks good the green edging took sooooo long to do.

  2. Very nice, I really like it. The bright colours you have used gives it sort of a comic look to it.

  3. I must admit, it looks so much better on the tabletop! A great balance of colour. It is a lot bigger than I first thouht as well.


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