Sunday, 10 January 2021

Star Wars: Legion - Luke Skywalker

My second finished miniature of 2021 is none other than Commander Luke Skywalker for Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars: Legion.
Like my Rancor, I followed Sorastro's painting guide. I am really happy with the end result, although the clothing is a little darker than I would have liked. I'm not overly keen on my OSL (Object Source Lighting) of the Lightsabre on his face, but I can live with it.
His face took some time and even though I followed the guide, I still struggled. I plan to concor face and skin tones this year!
Seeing as this is the angle I will mostly be looking at on the tabletop, I'm pleased.
He looks pretty cool.
Here's a close up of the face. The eyes came out pretty good, this distracts you from the rest of the face lol.
As they say, it's all about faces and bases. I have based him to match the rest of my Rebels (Well, my only other finished Rebel mini, AT-RT), and my Imperials.
And here is is, facing off against a Rancor.

I hope you liked the post. Please like and share!

Happy Hobby Time Folks.

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