Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Citadel Technical Paints

Citadel Technical Paints

So Games Workshop have had their New Technical Paints out for a while, and interestingly enough, there are many people who are oblivious to the videos that accompany the paints. Yes, Games Workshop have given us some FREE 'How To' guides for their new paint range.

To save you all from having to locate these videos individually, I have bundled them all together in this single post for you. I seriously suggest you check them out as they are invaluable for extra detail painting information. The videos can be found below, I hope you enjoy them.

Monday, 3 March 2014

Hobby Fund: 2014

Hobby Fund

Below you will find a list of all the models I have painted and the Painting Points I have accumulated in doing so over the year and what I have spent the Hobby Fund on. This will also give you an insight into what army models I am adding to my collection.

This list will update throughout the year as more models are painted and the Hobby Fund is emptied. so keep checking back to take a look at where I'm at and what you may face on the table top.