Thursday 13 December 2012

360° Grand Master Valius

360° spinning photo
Grand Master Valius - 4th Brotherhood

This is my first of hopefully many 360° photos. I will be creating / buying a rotating pedestal and light box over the coming months to enhance the photos shown on the site. This 360° photo was a 30 stage shoot with very basis equipment, so the lighting is not great and the pedestal is very visible and clearly not right lol. Please take the Grand master for a spin and let me know what you think, also let me know in the comments / email if you like the 360° photo approach and would like more.

To find out more about this model 'Click Here'

With thanks to The Vanus Temple for the code & tutorial on how this was created


  1. Hmm, I dunno, I think he's missing something....

    Shouldn't you add a few dozen lasgun wounds onto him for added realism?

  2. Hmm, I dunno, somethings missing.

    Shouldn't there be several dozen added lasgun wounds on the model for added realism?

  3. Hmm, I dunno, I think he's missing something.

    Shouldn't he have a few dozen lasround wounds on him? That might make him look a little more realistic.... :P

    1. Ok, that would be fitting, but it was a horrendous amount of Lasgun fire that hit him! Thankfully he was just wounded and will be fit to fight again. Just has a little complex about Lasguns now..:D

  4. If it looks this good in the harsh light of a close up photo it must look staggering in real life. Fantastic!

    1. Thanks Neal. It is not the best paint job I have done and the lighting is not that great. I will be taking some more 360 shots of other models soon with better lighting and set up so watch this space.

      Happy new year to you!


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