I've cleaned my paint station, organised my paints and I have made a start. Todays post sees the first bit of paint on my Star Wars: Imperial Assault Rancor!
I did have a little bit of a rough start. I undercoated it about 8 months ago and when I went to pop some paint on... Disaster! The oils form the plastic had started to come through, so the paint would not take. I quickly (in the dark) 7pm ran out to the garage and gave it another zenith undercoat. And that worked.
I am following Sorastos painting guide for this. I'm easing myself back into painting and wanted to start with something fun. First bit was the mouth and tongue.
I then spent a good amount of time wet blending the base coat. This consisted of several colours with some Vallejo Glaze Medium to slow the drying time.
Tomorrow will see some dry brushing and washes. It does not look like much now, but it should start coming together soon.
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Happy hobby time folks.